This strategy guide will show you how to beat each level of Royal Envoy 2 with 3 stars (and a gold seal). NOTE: I have not listed solutions for levels 1-5 because I don't think you will need them.
Just follow each level walkthrough step by step.
When you are collecting something like rent payments, or wood from a forest, or gold from a mine, it is assumed that you will keep doing this in the background.
If I say, "Open a treasure chest," it is assumed that you will collect what comes out of the treasure chest.
If I say, "Buy food" or "Buy wood", it is assumed that you know where to buy it (Market and Sawmill).
If I say, "Open a treasure chest," it is assumed that you will collect what comes out of the treasure chest.
If I say, "Buy food" or "Buy wood", it is assumed that you know where to buy it (Market and Sawmill).
So, here's to your success! I hope this guide provides the answers you've been looking for!
For help with the first Royal Envoy game, see my strategy guide.
For help with the first Royal Envoy game, see my strategy guide.
Level 6
- Open all treasure chests.
- Shovel the snow on the right.
- Build 1 Cottage under the Castle, and 2 Cottages in the bottom right.
- Repair the Bridge.
- Send Workers to all 3 bunches of trees on the left, and keep them constantly harvesting.
- Keep sending a Worker to shovel snow until it is all cleared.
- Build a Market in the lower left.
- Buy 100 food.
- Build 2 more Cottages on the right.
- Buy 100 food.
- Build Cottages in the last 2 slots.
- Buy 100 food.
- Upgrade all Cottages.
- Buy bunches of 250 food whenever you have enough money.
- Open the treasure chest behind the last chopped-down tree, and collect the food.
Level 7
- Clear the snow.
- Build a Market and a Sawmilll.
- Buy 250 food.
- Buy 250 wood.
- Clear the next 2 snow piles.
- Repair 3 Forestries.
- Shovel the last snow pile.
- Buy 2 Workers.
- Assign 1 Worker each to 3 of the Forestries.
- Build 2 Cottages.
- Repair the 4th Forestry.
- Add 1 more Worker to 2 of the Forestries.
- When you have 1000 money, buy 100 food.
- Buy 2 more Workers for a total of 8.
- Put 1 Worker in the 4th Forestry.
- Build a Cabin or Cottage in the last empty slot.
- Put 1 more Worker in the 2 Forestries where there is still a spot. Now all Forestries should have 2 Workers.
- Keep collecting wood until you're done!
Level 9
- Repair the 2 visible Lanterns.
- Send 2 Workers into the Forestry.
- Buy 100 wood from the Sawmill.
- Repair the center Lantern.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Repair the right and left Lanterns.
- Build a Market where the Sawmill was.
- Repair the next layer of Lanterns: left, center, and right.
- Start clearing out the fallen branches in the road.
- Repair the last Lantern, on the right.
- Once you have 1000 gold, buy 100 food.
- Build 2 Cottages in the empty slots on the left.
- Buy 50 or 100 food. You only need 50.
- Demolish the Cabin on the right.
- Build a Cottage where the Cabin was.
Level 10
- Repair the 2 visible Lanterns.
- Repair the top Lantern.
- Build a Market in the bottom slot.
- Assign 2 Workers to the Forestry.
- Buy 250 food.
- Repair the middle and bottom Lanterns.
- Once you collect your 250 food from the Market, demolish it.
- Save 100 wood.
- Build a Bank in the slot where the Market was.
- Build a Cottage in the empty bottom slot.
- Collect 50 wood and repair the bottom Lantern.
- Collect 50 wood and repair the Lantern by the bridge.
- Build a Cottage in the bottom slot. Soon you'll have 10,000 gold.
Level 11
- Collect the wood piece.
- Repair the Lantern by the "THIS WAY" sign.
- Send a Worker to collect wood from the trees.
- Once you have 50 wood, complete the next Lantern down the path to the right.
- Keep Workers collecting wood from all 3 bunches of trees until all wood as been collected.
- Repair the 3 Lanterns on the left.
- Build a Sawmill in the empty slot on the left.
- Send Workers to collect all of the food from the trees at the top.
- When you have 100 food, build a Bank in the bottom slot.
- When you have 2500 gold, buy 250 wood from the Sawmill. Do this until you have 500 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Make sure you have 100 wood. Use the Sawmill if you need to.
- Repair the Lanterns on both sides of the bridge.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Assign 2 Workers to each Farm.
- Build a Market where the Sawmill was.
- Buy bunches of 250 food until you have 1300 food.
- Make sure to keep collecting food from the Farms.
Level 12
- Repair both Lanterns in front of the Castle.
- Demolish the accessible Bank.
- Once the Lanterns are completed, demolish 2 more Banks.
- Repair the Lantern by the bridge.
- Build a Cottage in each slot where you demolished a Bank (3 Cottages).
- Repair the bridge.
- Upgrade all Cottages.
- Repair the Lanterns on the right side of the bridge.
- Send Workers to collect money from the gold deposits until they're all used up.
- Assign 2 Workers to the Farm.
- Buy 250 food.
- Buy 250 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Repair the Lantern at the bottom, and collect all gold until you have 20,000 gold.
Level 13
- Collect the pieces of wood.
- Repair the left and bottom Lanterns.
- Send a Worker to the woods and keep him there collecting wood.
- Do the same thing with the lower section of trees.
- Repair the other 2 visible Lanterns.
- When you have 200 wood, repair the bridge on the bottom left.
- Repair the Lantern on the left side of the bridge.
- Send Workers to collect all of the gold from the gold deposits and treasure chests.
- Build 2 Sawmills.
- Keep processing batches of 250 wood at both Sawmills until you have 2300 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Demolish both Sawmills.
- Repair the 2 visible Lanterns.
- Assign 2 Workers to each Farm.
- Repair the bottom Lantern.
- Collect the gold from the treasure chests.
- Build 2 Markets.
- Keep buying batches of 250 food from both Markets until you have 4000 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Demolish both Markets.
- Build 3 Cabins.
Level 14
- Collect the wood.
- Repair the 2 visible Lanterns.
- Send a Worker to the woods and keep him working until the woods are depleted.
- Repair the bottom Lantern.
- Repair the other 2 bottom Lanterns.
- Repair the Lantern by the water.
- Demolish 2 Cottages.
- Build a Sawmill and a Market.
- Buy 250 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Upgrade all 3 Cottages.
- Repair the Lantern.
- Buy 250 food.
- Buy 5 Workers, and assign 2 to each Forestry.
- Buy 250 food.
- Buy Workers until you have 14.
- Assign 7 Workers to the ship-building as you hire them.
- Process batches of 100 wood whenever you can.
Level 15
- Send Workers to collect all food from all trees.
- Demolish 3 Banks.
- Feed the Glutton as soon as you have 300 food.
- Build 3 Cottages.
- Collect all gold from the gold deposits.
- Upgrade all 3 Cottages right after they've paid rent.
- Add Gardens to all 3 Cottages right after they've paid rent.
- Demolish the last Bank while you wait for the next round of rent payments.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Build a Cabin where the Bank was.
- Buy 250 food.
- Add a Garden to the Cabin.
- Add Gardens to the Cottages on the right.
Level 16
- Send Workers to collect all wood from the palm trees.
- As soon as you have 300 wood, repair the bridge.
- Assign all 3 Workers to the Farms.
- When you have 50 food, buy another Worker and assign him to the last Farm slot.
- Keep using food from the Farms to buy Workers until you have 7 Workers.
- Build a Sawmill and a Cottage as soon as you can.
- Add a Garden to your Cottage right after a rent payment.
- Buy 250 wood once you have 2500 gold.
- Build a Cottage and a Bank.
- Add a Garden to the second Cottage after a rent payment.
- Pay the Pirate as soon as you have 1500 gold.
- Buy 250 wood (or two batches of 100).
- Build 2 Banks.
Level 17
- Dig up the treasure next to the Castle.
- Send only 1 Worker to chop all trees at the bottom. Continue until they're gone.
- While you're still collecting wood, build 3 Cottages along the bottom.
- Add a Garden to each Cottage after it pays rent.
- Upgrade each Cottage after it pays rent.
- When the trees are gone, dig up the treasure on the right.
- Pay the Pirate as soon as you have 10,000 gold.
- Dig up the treasure at the top.
- Clear out the tree in the middle.
- Buy 250 wood.
- Build a Market next to the Sawmill.
- Buy 250 food.
- Build 2 Cottages in the top row.
- Buy 100 food.
- Upgrade both Cottages at the top.
- Demolish the Market.
- Build a 2nd Sawmill where the Market was.
- For the rest of the level, buy 250 wood from both Sawmills whenever you can.
- Demolish the Bank.
- Add Gardens to both top Cottages.
- Build a Cottage where the Bank was.
- Add a Garden to the new Cottage.
- Keep buying wood until you have 2000.
Level 18
- Collect all food from all trees.
- Collect all wood from palm trees below the Castle.
- Build a Market.
- Buy 100 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Send Workers to open the treasure chest and harvest wood across the bridge. Keep them chopping until all wood has been collected.
- Buy 100 food.
- Repair the top bridge.
- Upgrade both bottom Cottages.
- Buy 250 food.
- Build 1 Cottage at the top.
- Upgrade the new Cottage.
- Build a Bank at the top.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Upgrade the Cottage at the top.
- Build and upgrade another Cottage at the top.
- Keep collecting rent until you have 30,000 gold.
Level 19
- Send Workers to gather food from the fruit trees, and to collect wood from the fallen trees.
- Buy Workers until you have 7.
- Assign 2 Workers to the Forestry.
- Upgrade both Cottages.
- Add Gardens to both Cottages.
- Build a Bank.
- Pay the Pirate when you have 3500 gold.
- Dig up all treasures and chop all trees on the left.
- Demolish the Bank and both Cottages.
- Build 3 Sawmills.
- Keep buying batches of 250 wood until you have 3500 wood.
Level 20
- Clear trees off roads, and send a Worker to chop the palm trees.
- Keep
- 1 Worker digging gold at the bottom
- 1 Worker digging up treasure at the top
- 1 Worker chopping palm trees
- 1 Worker in the Forestry
- Have the first available Worker pay the Pirate.
- Send the next available Worker to the Forestry.
- Build a Market.
- Buy 250 food.
- Build a 4th Cottage with the others.
- Buy 2 Workers.
- Build a Bank.
- Upgrade 2 Cottages.
- Buy 250 food.
- Upgrade the other 2 Cottages.
- Buy 2 Workers (total of 8 now).
- Buy 250 food.
- Add Gardens to all Cottages.
- Restore the Rum Factory.
- Keep buying batches of 250 food constantly.
- Assign 7 Workers to the Rum Factory. You'll need to pull one from the Forestry.
- Keep collecting rent and buying 250 food until you have produced 20 barrels of rum.
Level 21
- Open both treasure chests, and send Workers to chop down all of the trees.
- Build a Market near the Castle on the right side.
- Assign 3 Workers to each Forestry.
- Start ordering batches of 1000 food, and keep it going.
- Build 3 Chalets.
- Upgrade all 3 Chalets.
- Add Gardens to each Chalet.
- Build Gramophones in the 2 leftmost slots.
- Repair the bridge.
- Build Flowerbeds in the 2 empty slots.
- Feed the Glutton.
Level 22
- Send a Worker to collect wood from the trees. Keep him working there.
- Assign 3 Workers to each Gold Mine.
- Restore the 3 broken Chalets.
- Demolish 1 Chalet on the left.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Start upgrading all Chalets.
- In the meantime, build a Market, and keep buying batches of 1000 food repeatedly.
- Start adding Gardens to all Chalets.
- When you have 2000 food, feed the Glutton.
- Build a house of any kind. I chose a Chalet.
- Upgrade and add a Garden to the new house.
- In the meantime, build Fountains in every slot.
Level 23
- Send a Worker to chop down the trees next to the Castle.
- Assign 2 Workers to the Farm.
- As soon as you collect the first 200 food from the Farm, dismiss one of the Farm Workers.
- Build a Chalet.
- Build another Chalet.
- Add Gardens to both Chalets.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Send a Worker to chop down the trees at the bottom.
- Build a 3rd Chalet and add a Garden to it.
- Send a Worker to cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Send the other Worker back to finish chopping the trees at the bottom.
- Assign 2 Workers to the Farm. It will have 3 Workers now.
- Send 1 Worker to chop down the trees on the other side of the bridge.
- Build 2 Chalets.
- Add a Garden to 1 Chalet. Only 1 Chalet won't have a Garden.
- As soon as you have at least 750 food, build a Dragon Statue in the upper left corner.
Level 24
- Clear both brambles near the Castle.
- Repair the upper bridge on the right.
- Send Workers to the brambles, both fruit trees, and both fallen trees to gather resources.
- Open both treasure chests at the top.
- Build 2 Chalets and a Sawmill.
- Add Gardens to both Chalets.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun on the right top.
- Chop all fallen trees at the top.
- Open the treasure chest.
- Assign 3 Workers to the Gold Mine.
- Buy 1000 wood at the Sawmill.
- Repair the bottom right bridge.
- Clear the brambles and send Workers to the fruit trees.
- Build a Chalet, and add a Garden.
- In the meantime, upgrade your other 2 Chalets.
- Upgrade the new Chalet.
- Buy 2 batches of 1000 wood as soon as you can.
- Repair the bottom left bridge.
- In the meantime, buy 1000 wood.
- Build a Chalet, and add a Garden.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Upgrade the newest Chalet.
- Build a 5th Chalet on the left.
- Upgrade the last Chalet.
Level 25
- Send 2 Workers to chop the fallen trees.
- Send 1 Worker to demolish 2 Fountains.
- Send 1 Worker to the Forestry.
- Send the other 2 Workers to the Forestry. If you get them there quickly, you'll have 1000 wood right away!
- Once you have 1000 wood, send a Worker from the Forestry to repair the right side bridge.
- Send 1 Worker to the Forestry.
- Open the 3 treasure chests.
- Build 2 Chalets.
- Upgrade both Chalets.
- When you have 5000 money, pay the Pirate.
- Assign 3 Workers to the Farm.
- When you have 1000 wood, repair the left side bridge.
- Repair the Bank.
- Build a 3rd Chalet.
- Upgrade the Chalet.
- Start building Fountains in the 2 middle slots.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Build a Fountain.
Level 26
- Send Workers to
- chop down trees
- pick all fruit, and
- cheer up the 200 Leprechaun in the lower right.
- As soon as the Leprechaun is cheered up, assign 3 Workers to the mine.
- Build a Statue.
- As soon as you have 5000 gold, build a Sawmill.
- Cheer up the 400 Leprechaun.
- Assign 2 Workers to the second mine.
- As soon as you have 10000 gold, buy 1000 wood.
- Build 2 more Statues.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Cheer up the 100, 450, 600, and 800 Leprechauns.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build 5 Flowerbeds in the middle.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Demolish a Gramophone in the middle.
- Build a Flowerpot in that slot.
- Cheer up the 900 Leprechaun.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Demolish the Gramophone and Fountain in the middle, and build 2 Flowerbeds.
- Cheer up the 500 Leprechaun.
Level 27
- Send all 4 Workers to collect the gold in the lower right corner.
- As soon as you have 5000 gold, send 2 Workers to build a Market while the others keep digging for gold.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Send all Workers to collect all of the gold.
- As soon as you have 5000 gold, build a Sawmill while the other Workers keep digging.
- As soon as you have 10000 gold, buy 1000 wood.
- Send 2 Workers to repair the Railway.
- Buy 1000 food and 500 wood.
- Build 2 Chalets.
- Start sending all Workers (except for 2) to repair the abandoned mine.
- Buy Workers until you have 7 total (5 at the mine).
- Upgrade both Chalets.
- When you have 10000 gold, buy 500 food and 500 wood.
- Add Gardens to both Chalets.
- Buy 250 food.
- Build 2 Fountains.
- Send your 2 remaining Workers to the Abandoned Mine.
Level 28
- Send 4 Workers to collect food and wood from the accessible trees at the top.
- As soon as you have 250 food and 250 wood, build a Villa at the bottom.
- Build another Villa as soon as you can.
- Upgrade both Villas immediately after they've paid their first rent.
- Send a Worker to open the treasure chest at the top.
- Add a Garden to bot Villas after they've paid rent a second time.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Collect food and chop brambles on the right.
- Build a Sawmill and a Villa.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Collect rent from the new Villa, then add a Garden to it.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Send 4 Workers to collect food from the trees on the left.
- Demolish the Cabin.
- Build 3 Villas.
- Upgrade 3 Villas.
Level 29
- Build a Sawmill.
- Send both Workers to a pair of trees to collect food. There are 4 accessible pairs.
- Buy 4 Workers (for a total of 6).
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the Bank.
- Keep 2 Workers constantly collecting food until all trees have been used up.
- Construct the Beehive on the left.
- Build 2 Villas.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build a 5th Villa.
- Add Gardens to each house.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Construct the 2nd Beehive.
Level 30
- Chop all 3 fallen trees.
- Restore the Forestry.
- Restore the Chalet.
- Assign 3 Workers to the Forestry.
- Restore the Bank and 1 Cabin.
- Demolish 2 Cabins.
- Restore the Market.
- Buy 500 food as soon as you can.
- Build 2 Villas.
- Upgrade the Villas and Chalet right after a rent payment.
- Buy 500 food.
- Start adding Gardens to all houses.
- Buy 500 food.
- When you have 20,000 gold, pay the Pirate.
- Construct the Beehive.
Level 31
- Demolish 1 Chalet on the left.
- Build a Market on the left.
- Buy 250 food.
- Demolish the other Chalet on the left.
- Add Gardens to both Chalets right after a rent payment.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Send Workers to collect food from the trees.
- Open the treasure chest.
- Build a Sawmill on the left, by the Market.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Demolish the Market.
- Build a Villa.
- Add a Garden to the Villa.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Construct the Beehive.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Repair the Palm Nursery.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Villa.
- Send 5 Workers to the Nursery.
- Buy 2 Workers.
- Add a Garden to the Villa.
- Send 2 more Workers to the Nursery.
- Click the drips as they appear on the right.
- Buy 1000 wood whenever you can until you have 3000 or more.
Level 32
- Send Workers to chop down all accessible trees. There are 3 sets.
- As soon as you have 250 wood, send 2 Workers to restore the Farm.
- Assign 3 Workers to the Farm.
- Collect food, then build a Villa.
- Collect food, and build another Villa.
- Add a Garden to each Villa right after it pays rent.
- Pay the 10,000 Pirate.
- Dismiss 1 Worker from the Farm right after it delivers a batch of food.
- Repair both top Chalets.
- Send a Worker to chop down the new batch of trees at the top.
- Add Gardens to both top Chalets.
- Pay the 20,000 Pirate.
- Restore both bottom Chalets.
- Build a Statue.
- Add Gardens to both bottom Chalets.
Level 33
- Dig up the hole at the top.
- Restore the Villa and Chalet.
- Build a Villa.
- Add Gardens to all 3 houses.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Dig up the hole that the Leprechaun was blocking.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Demolish both Fountains.
- Buy 1000 wood at the Sawmill.
- Repair the bridge.
- Dig up the new hole.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Dig up the Glutton's hole.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Dig up the Pirate's hole.
Level 34
- Demolish both Villas.
- Build a Well between the 2 Chalets.
- Build a Market and a Sawmill at the top.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Restore both Broken Chalets in the middle.
- Buy 500 food.
- Add Gardens to all 3 Chalets after they pay rent.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Build a Well at the bottom.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Start building 2 Chalets at the bottom.
- Buy 250 wood.
- Buy 500 food.
- Add Gardens to both bottom Chalets.
- Build a Fountain.
Level 35
- Cut all nearby logs, and repair the bottom bridge.
- Restore both Villas.
- Send Workers to dig up all accessible holes and chop all accessible logs.
- Restore the Sawmill.
- Buy 500 food.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Add Gardens to both Villas after a rent payment.
- Repair the upper bridge.
- Chop logs and brambles at the top right area.
- Build a Well.
- Buy 500 food.
- Build a Cabin and a Fountain.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Add a Garden to the Cabin.
- Buy 500 food.
- Build 2 Fountains.
Level 36
- Demolish the Bank.
- Open all treasure chests (4).
- Repair the bridge.
- Open the 4 new treasure chests.
- Chop the brambles.
- Buy 250 wood.
- Build 2 Wells: 1 at the bottom, 1 on the right side.
- Restore both broken Villas.
- Buy 500 wood .
- Add Gardens to all 3 Villas after a rent payment.
- Build a Well in the top left.
- Build a Villa.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Villa.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Upgrade all Villas.
- Keep buying batches of 1000 wood whenever you can.
Level 37
On this level, there are 3 sections:- left side
- right side, and
- bottom.
- Hack all 4 logs surrounding the happiness sign.
- Repair the center bridge to free the first Worker.
- Send 1 Worker to work on the left side. Send the other Worker to work on the right side.
- Once you have 500 wood, send the right-side Worker down the path to free the 3rd Worker.
- Send 1 right-side Worker to clear out the right side, and the other Worker to clear out the bottom.
- Repair bridges whenever you have 500 wood.
- Build the Statue once you have chopped all logs and dug up all holes.
Level 38
- Chop the log and brambles.
- Build the bridge.
- Assign the 3 new Workers to the Farm.
- Send 2 Workers to open the treasure chests.
- Send Workers to build Flowerbeds in every happiness spot.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Send 3 Workers to each Gold Mine.
- Chop the brambles.
- Collect money from both Gold Mines.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Send Workers to demolish all but 7 Flowerbeds.
- Build a Well between the house lots.
- Start buying batches of 1000 wood at the Sawmill. Keep it going!
- Pull all Workers out of 1 Gold Mine. We want them to help build.
- Build 2 Cabins.
- Add Gardens to both Cabins.
- Build a Statue.
- Build 3 Fountains.
- Build 5 Gramophones.
Level 39
- Send Workers to chop the 2 logs right outside of the Castle.
- Repair the top bridge and keep chopping logs.
- Repair the bottom bridge.
- Dig up the hole at the top, and keep chopping logs and brambles.
- Send 2 Workers to the Farm.
- Build a Sawmill in the bottom left slot.
- Build a Well.
- Build a Villa.
- Collect rent, then add a Garden to the Villa.
- Collect rent again, then buy 250 wood.
- Build a Fountain next to the Castle.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Send 3 Workers to the Gold Mine.
- Buy 3 Workers (total of 8 now).
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the 1000 bridge.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build 2 Wells.
- Build a Villa.
- Send 1 of the Farm Workers to buy 1000 wood, then send him back to the Farm.
- Build another Villa.
- Send 1 of the Gold Mine Workers to repair the top bridge.
- Add Gardens to both Villas. (NOTE: You should pull everyone out of the Gold Mine, even if they haven't collected all of the gold yet.)
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build 3 Fountains.
Level 40
- Send 3 Workers to the Gold Mine.
- Build a Sawmill and a Market.
- Buy 500 wood as soon as you can.
- Repair the middle bridge (by the Bank).
- Demolish the Bank.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Well in the middle slot.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Villa next to the Well.
- Repair the bottom bridge.
- Demolish the Market you just exposed.
- Buy 500 food.
- Build a Well in the bottom slot.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Villa in the bottom slot.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Repair the top bridge.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Build the top Well.
- Upgrade both bottom Villas, after a rent payment.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Villa in the top slot.
- Buy 500 food.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Upgrade the top Villa after a rent payment.
- Build a Bank.
- Buy 500 food.
- Add Gardens to 2 Villas. Don't worry about rent. Just build.
- Buy 250 food.
- Add a Garden to the 3rd Villa.
Level 41
- Chop all logs and brambles.
- Build 2 Wells (next to the Villas).
- Build a 4th Villa next to the Well at the top.
- Upgrade all Villas.
- Build a Market and Sawmill in the lower right.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Add Gardens to each Villa after a rent payment.
- Buy 500 food and 1000 wood.
- Build a Bank.
- Send 5 Workers to the Reservoir.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Buy batches of 1000 food until you have 5000.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Keep buying batches of 1000 food, and keep buying Workers until you have 11 Workers.
- Send every Worker except for 1 to the Reservoir.
- Keep buying batches of 1000 food until the end of the level.
Level 42
- Restore the broken obelisk.
- Open the treasure chests.
- Build a Sawmill next to the Castle.
- Restore the second obelisk.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Restore the 3rd obelisk.
- Restore the 4th obelisk.
- Repair the bridge.
- Pick all fruit and chop all wood while you continue with the next step.
- As soon as you have 500 wood, restore the 5th obelisk.
- Build a Bank in the top left corner.
- Add a Garden to each Villa after a rent payment.
- Pay the Pirate at the bottom when you have 30000 gold.
- Restore the 6th obelisk.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build a Mansion, and restore the 7th obelisk.
- Chop the log on the right path.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Add a Garden to the first Mansion.
- Add a Garden to the second Mansion.
- Pay the Pirate at the top.
- Restore the last obelisk.
Level 43
- Collect all wood from the trees by the Castle.
- Restore the 2 nearby obelisks as soon as you can.
- Dig up the newly-exposed hole.
- Restore the newly-exposed obelisk.
- Dig up the 2 new holes.
- Send a Worker to collect all wood from the trees in the lower left corner.
- Build a Mansion.
- Restore the new obelisk.
- Send Workers to chop down the 2 new batches of trees.
- Restore the next obelisk.
- Dig up the new hole.
- Restore the Market.
- Build another Mansion.
- Dig up the hole and restore the obelisk behind the trees near the middle of the screen.
- Upgrade both Mansions after rent payments.
- Buy 500 food.
- Build a 3rd Mansion and upgrade it after a rent payment.
- Pay the Pirate. (Your gold timer should be just below midway.)
- Dig up both new holes.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Repair the bridge.
Level 44
- Restore the bottom obelisk.
- Send 2 Workers to collect the gold from the gold deposits.
- Build a Sawmill as soon as you can.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Restore the obelisk on the right.
- Build a Market close to the Castle.
- Chop the tree in the road at the bottom.
- Restore the next obelisk to the right.
- Collect all of the wood from the trees in the lower right corner. Chopping the trees will expose a hole.
- Send a Worker to dig up the hole while the other Worker keeps chopping.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Build 3 Villas.
- Add a Garden to each Villa after a rent payment.
- Restore the obelisk next to the Castle.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Send Workers to chop down all trees at the top.
- Build a 4th Villa.
- Restore the next obelisk at the top.
- Send a Worker to chop the new trees.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Add a Garden to the new Villa.
- Restore the next obelisk.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 500 food.
- Send a Worker to buy 5 doves in a row.
Level 45
- Restore the 2 obelisks below the Castle.
- Demolish the Cabin.
- Restore the next obelisk to the left.
- Build a Sawmill next to the Castle.
- Assign 4 Workers to the Gold Mine.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Restore the next obelisk to the right of the Sawmill.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Build a Mansion in the middle slot at the bottom.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Restore both bottom obelisks.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Build 2 Mansions at the bottom.
- Add a Garden to a Mansion after a rent payment.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Demolish the Mansion next to the Castle after a rent payment.
- Add a Garden to the other 2 Mansions at the bottom after a rent payment.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build a Dovecote next to the Castle.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 2 doves.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 3 doves.
Level 46
- Send 2 Workers to dig up gold.
- Send 2 Workers to repair the 2 obelisks.
- Build a Sawmill while digging up the rest of the gold deposits.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Restore all obelisks up the right side, and the one at the bottom left.
- Dig up the hole by the inspectors and the hole on the left.
- Assign a Worker to the Bush of Fertility and keep him constantly working.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Restore the next obelisk going up the middle.
- Hire 4 Workers (total of 8).
- Restore one of the obelisks in the middle.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Dig up the new hole.
- Restore the other obelisk in the middle.
- Build a Mansion.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Dig up the new hole.
- Build 2 Mansions.
- Add a Garden to each Mansion after a rent payment.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Upgrade each Mansions after a rent payment.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the bridge.
- Restore the obelisk on the left.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Chop the tree in the road.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 5 doves.
Level 47
- Restore both visible obelisks.
- Chop down the trees by the Castle.
- Send a Worker to chop the new batch of trees at the bottom.
- Restore both obelisks on the top path.
- Demolish one of the Mansions in the top middle.
- Send a Worker to chop the trees at the top right.
- Repair the bridge on the left.
- When you have 10,000 gold, build a Market.
- Once you have at least 5000 gold, demolish the other 3 Mansions along the top.
- Buy 500 food.
- Build a Cabin in each empty slot.
- Demolish the Market.
- Build a Cabin.
- Add Gardens to each Cabin. Don't worry about rent.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun as soon as 3 Gardens have been built.
- Build a Statue in the upper left corner.
- Demolish the Mansion next to the Castle.
- Restore the next obelisk at the bottom.
- Demolish the last Mansion.
- Build a Cabin.
- Build a Statue.
- Build a Cabin.
- Add a Garden to each Cabin as quickly as you can. (You should be a little past halfway on the gold time.)
Level 48
- Restore the 3 visible obelisks.
- Send a Worker to chop down the trees on the left.
- Send a Worker to chop down the 2nd set of trees.
- Restore the top obelisk.
- Restore all 3 Mansions and the Villa.
- Build a Market next to the Castle.
- Restore the obelisk on the left.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Build a Bank.
- Upgrade each Mansion and Villa after a rent payment.
- Buy 2000 food as soon as you can.
- Feed the Glutton.
- Demolish the Market.
- Send 3 Workers to collect the food on the left.
- Add a Garden to each house after a rent payment. (TIP: Keep only 1 Worker at the fruit trees during this step!)
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 2000 wood as soon as the Sawmill is completed.
- Restore the obelisk at the bottom left.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Send Workers to the new fruit trees, and collect all of the fruit.
- Restore the next obelisk.
- Buy 2000 wood. (NOTE: By now, all houses should have Gardens.)
- Send 6 Workers to the Temple.
- Buy 2000 wood, then 2000 wood, then 1000 wood. You should have 5000 wood before now.
- Keep collecting rent until they're done building the Temple.
- Restore both visible obelisks.
- Dig up the hole.
- Restore the left obelisk
- Dig up the new hole.
- Restore both visible obelisks.
- Restore both new obelisks.
- Dig up the hole.
- Read the Rune.
- Build the bridge.
- Restore the obelisk on the left side of the bridge.
- Read the Rune.
- Restore the next obelisk.
- Restore the left obelisk.
- Repair the bridge.
- Restore the obelisk on the left side of the bridge.
- Dig up the hole.
- Now, restore the obelisk in the middle of the screen.
- Proceed to restore all obelisks to the upper right.
- Dig up the hole at the end of the path.
- Restore all other obelisks and read all Runes.
Level 49
- Send Workers to shovel the snow and chop the trees next to the Castle.
- Repair the first bridge.
- Restore the Chalet.
- Send Workers to shovel all accessible snow.
- Pay the Pirate in the middle after the Chalet pays rent.
- Send 1 Worker to chop the trees at the top and 1 Worker to shovel the snow.
- Build the bridge that leads to the fruit trees.
- Send Workers to collect food from the fruit trees.
- Build a Mansion in the middle.
- Demolish the Chalet.
- Build a Mansion.
- Pay the 10,000 pirate.
- Send Workers to dig up all holes.
- Repair the bottom bridge.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Shovel the snow on the second slot.
- Start buying doves (you'll need 5).
- Build a Mansion.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
Level 50
- Demolish the broken Villa.
- Build the 2000 bridge.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the 1000 bridge.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Repair the 1500 bridge.
- Buy 500 wood.
- Restore the Bank.
- Pay the Pirate once you have 15,000 gold.
- Buy 500 food and 500 wood.
- Build a Mansion.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Upgrade the closest Mansion.
- Buy 1000 food and 1000 wood.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Demolish the Bank and Sawmill.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Start buying doves (you'll need 5).
- Build 2 Cabins.
Level 51
- Shovel the snow right outside the Castle door.
- Demolish all 3 Statues and buy 2 Workers as quickly as you can.
- Shovel all available snow.
- Repair both Villas.
- Upgrade both Villas.
- Pay the Pirate. You should be at 1/4 time on the timer.
- Build 2 Flowerbeds and 1 Gramophone.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun, and shovel all available snow.
- Start chopping down all trees at the top and middle.
- Dig up the hole at the bottom.
- Demolish the Flowerbeds and Gramophone.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Repair the bridge.
- Dig up the new hole.
- Buy 5 doves.
- Build 3 Statues in the meantime.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Demolish the Dovecote, and shovel any remaining snow piles.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Restore both Mansions.
- Upgrade both Mansions.
Level 52
- Buy 500 wood.
- Build a Chalet.
- Buy 500 wood as soon as possible.
- Repair the bridge.
- Open the chest.
- Buy 500 food and 500 wood.
- Build a Mansion.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 2 Workers.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Demolish the Sawmill and the Bank.
- Build a Mansion.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Start buying doves (you'll need 5).
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 1 Worker, and start construction on the Snow Arena.
- Once the Snow Arena is built, you'll have to do the tournament. I win by clicking everywhere as fast as I can.
Level 53
- Chop down the trees, and open the treasure chest.
- Build a Dovecote and 2 Cabins.
- Buy 5 doves.
- Cheer up the 100 Leprechaun.
- Build a Cabin.
- Cheer up the 150 Leprechaun.
- Build a Cabin.
- Cheer up the 200 Leprechaun.
- Send Workers to chop all trees and collect all fruit at the bottom.
- In the meantime, demolish a Cabin close to the Castle.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 5 doves.
- Cheer up the 300 Leprechaun.
- Build a Cabin.
Level 54
- Build a Villa in the bottom slot in the middle, and upgrade it immediately.
- Send a Worker to repair the bottom right bridge as you're building the first Villa.
- Send 3 Workers to the Gold Mine.
- Build a Sawmill in the top middle slot as soon as you have at least 10,000 gold.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the upper left bridge, and buy 1000 wood at the same time.
- Send 3 Workers to the new Gold Mine.
- Build a Villa and upgrade it immediately.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Repair the upper right bridge, and buy 1000 wood at the same time.
- Build a Villa, and send 3 Workers to the new Gold Mine at the same time.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Build a Market.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Upgrade the Villa on the right.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Buy 1000 food.
Level 55
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 1 Worker.
- Build a Mansion.
- Buy 1 dove.
- Buy 500 food.
- Buy 3 doves.
- Buy 500 food.
- Buy 1 dove.
- Send 2 Workers to the Fishery.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Send 3 Workers to the Forestry.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 1 Worker, and send him to the Fishery.
- As soon as you have 750 food and wood, build a third Mansion.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 2 Workers and send them to the Fishery.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 2 Workers and send them to the Fishery.
- Repair the bridge.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 1000 food, and simultaneously start buying doves at the second Dovecote until you have 5.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 500 food.
- Demolish the Market.
- Send 3 Workers from the Forestry to the Fishery.
- Buy 5 Doves.
Level 56
- Chop down all trees, and collect all fruit at the bottom.
- As soon as 3 Workers are free, build a Dovecote.
- Start buying doves (you need 5).
- In the meantime, build 2 Cabins with Gardens.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- In the meantime, demolish the Cabin next to the Castle.
- Buy a Worker.
- Send 4 Workers to dig for gold.
- Build a Market. (Pull 2 Workers away from the gold.)
- Buy 1000 food.
- Demolish the Market.
- Buy 2 Workers.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 2000, 2000, and 1000 wood.
- Repair the Lava Levee.
- Demolish the Sawmill.
- Build a Cabin.
Level 57
- Chop all 6 trees in the road.
- Construct the beehive in the lower left corner, and buy 1000 food.
- Build 2 Mansions: 1 above the Castle, and one below the Castle.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Add Gardens to both new Mansions, and demolish both old Mansions.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Restore the Bank, and send a Worker to the trees.
- Build a Sawmill.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Upgrade both Mansions.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Buy 2 doves.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Buy 3 doves.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Start repairing the Lava Levee.
- Demolish the Market.
- Build a Cabin, and add a Garden.
Level 58
NOTE: This is a speed level, so click quickly, and try to keep each Worker in his own area to avoid unnecessary travel time. This level is very difficult. You might have to do it a few times to achieve the gold time.- Chop the 2 trees next to the Castle.
- Chop the 2 trees farthest to the right.
- Chop the next 2 trees over to the left.
- Chop the next 2 trees over to the left again.
- Repair the bridge, and keep one Worker chopping trees to the left.
- Send 1 Worker to chop the tree in the middle, and keep him moving down from there.
- Keep the other 2 Workers opening treasure chests.
- Once all chests have been opened, send 1 Worker to feed the Glutton, and 1 Worker to chop access to the mines.
- Open the treasure chest in the lower left, and send 4 Workers to the first available Gld Mine.
- As soon as possible, send 4 Workers to the second Gold Mine.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Repair the Lava Levee.
Level 59
- Repair the bridge.
- Collect all wood and food from the 6 available trees.
- As you gain food, buy Workers until you have 8 total.
- Dig up the holes behind the pine trees once they're visible.
- Build a Mansion with a Garden, then upgrade it.
- In the meantime, demolish a Villa and replace it with an upgraded Mansion with a Garden.
- Do the same thing with the other Villa.
- Demolish the Cabin.
- Build a Mansion, and upgrade it.
- Pay the top Pirate as soon as you have 25,000 gold.
- Send 2 Workers to chop the trees and dig up the hidden holes.
- Pay the 50,000 Pirate, and repair the Lave Levee.
- Build a Cabin, and add a Garden.
- Pay the 70,000 Pirate.
- Add a Garden to the last Mansion.
- Build a Cabin, and add a Garden.
Level 60
- Send 4 Workers to the Farm.
- Dig up the hole in the lower right.
- Build a Sawmill right under the Castle.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build 2 Mansions at the bottom.
- Immediately add Gardens to both Mansions.
- Buy 1000 wood once you've collected enough rent.
- Repair the bridge.
- Open the treasure chest.
- Pay the Pirate.
- Chop all fallen trees.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Build a Dovecote next to the Sawmill.
- Start buying doves (you need 5).
- Build 2 Cabins with Gardens.
- Buy 1000 wood.
- Build 3 Statues.
- As soon as you buy your 5th dove, cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Build a Cabin.
Level 61
- Chop all trees in the lower right corner.
- Repair the bridge.
- Restore the Broken Villa, and assign the other 3 Workers to pick all fruit.
- Add Gardens to both Villas.
- Pay the 15,000 Pirate.
- Send 3 Workers to keep chopping down trees until all wood has been collected.
- Build 3 Mansions.
- Add a Garden to each Mansion.
- Upgrade each Mansion.
- Pay the 70,000 Pirate.
- Buy a Worker.
- Repair the Lava Levee.
Level 62
- Upgrade the Mansion in the lower right corner.
- Repair the broken Mansion.
- Upgrade the second Mansion after its first rent payment.
- Add a Garden to the first Mansion after a rent payment.
- Pay the 10,000 Pirate.
- Send 4 Workers to the Forestry.
- Open the treasure chest.
- Build a Market next to the Castle.
- Repair the bridge.
- Add a Garden to the second Mansion after a rent payment.
- Build a Mansion in the upper right corner and immediately upgrade it.
- Buy 2000 food.
- Add a Garden to the 3rd Mansion.
- Build a Dovecote.
- Buy 1000 food.
- Start buying doves (you need 5).
- Buy 2000 food.
- Demolish the Market.
- Build 2 Statues.
- Build a Cabin with a Garden.
- Cheer up the Leprechaun.
- Demolish the Cabin, Dovecote, and Statues.
- Build a Sawmill next to the Castle.
- Buy 2000 wood.
- Repair the Lava Levee.
Great job! Thank you...on my own I fare rather dismally :) Wishing you a great 2013!
ReplyDeleteThanks, as always, Meisie!